Posted by SenyaKraild on April 27, 2024 at 19:02:26:
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© 2024 Toko Cleax. Seluruh hak cipta.
Po jeho brzke smrti jeho soucasnik William Faulkner rekl, ze Wolfe byl nejlepsi spisovatel jejich generace. Wolfe mel znacny vliv i na slavneho beatnickeho spisovatele Jacka Kerouaca, autory Raye Bradburyho ci Philipa Rotha. Zustava jednim z nejdulezitejsich spisovatelu moderni americke literatury, byl tez jednim z prvnich mistru autobiograficke fikce. Je povazovan za nejslavnejsiho autora pochazejiciho ze Severni Karoliny.
© 2024 Toko Cleax. Seluruh hak cipta.
In the morning, I often come across my father’s many mugs, still half-full of coffee. I could never tell when it was made, as he indulged a cup irrelevant of the time of day. What I did know was that this half-filled mug would mean another project. It was another stretch of long work hours, and it triggered emotions inside of me that would sometimes drive tears to my eyes. Whether it was an overwhelming sense of appreciation, or a rising feeling of empathy in my chest, I could never seem to describe the sensation very well. Moments like this one, imagining my father, driven by his responsibility to care for his family, working long hours, helped me do my best in everything. It helped me choose the right decision, even when I’m tempted with an easy one. The main focus of my essay will be what I’ve learned growing up in the apartment where we started, and in the house we now live in, from having my father in my life, and how it has made me who I am today.
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